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Ellie, Luc, big sister Coco and baby Zephie - a beautiful homebirth

“Zephie Neoma Le Miere arrived at 8:10pm in our home on the 15th of October. I was in early labour for about 36 hours which felt slow but using the hypnobirthing relaxation techniques we had learnt I stayed calm and felt excited with every contraction which passed that I was closer to meeting our baby. A couple of hours of more intense contractions passed but I was able to breath through them and I felt really positive in between each. 

My waters went around 8pm and my husband helped me to the toilet to get changed when I suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to push. I held onto my husband as he encouraged me to breath baby down and a few deep breaths later I was beyond amazed that her head was out! Another few intense breaths and Zephie was caught by our midwife and quickly passed up to me to hold. I feel like one of the reasons that this last part happened so quickly was because of the use of powerful visualisations we had learnt through hypnobirthing.

Compared to the birth of my first daughter where I didn’t feel in control of the decisions that were made, and at times frightened, this birth was an absolute dream. I strongly believe my bad experience of birth with my first baby had a huge impact on me having post natal depression afterwards but I feel like this positive birth has healed my previous experience and has set our family up as positively as possible for the beginning of our new chapter together.

So many people say ‘as long as mum and baby are ok then that’s all that matters’ and although I totally agree with that being by far the most important thing, I now know that your birthing experience can have a huge impact on everything that unfolds afterwards. Because of that I couldn’t be happier that we decided to take the hypnobirthing classes we did - they were literally life changing.”

....And in Ellie’s own words, her birth “couldn’t have gone more perfectly” - this story shows that positive birth DOES exist!

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