Second time mama who had a completely different second birth experience for baby Riley!
"My surges began at 6 o'clock in the morning, I knew this was it so I got up, had breakfast with my daughter, made sure I was drinking water and started gathering bits together - I put Frankincense oil in a diffuser in the lounge, got a handkerchief dotted with lavender oil which I was breathing in through my surges. I closed the blinds so it was dark atmosphere and we put on relaxing music from YouTube onto the TV and my husband had his job of getting the birthing pool ready.
The community midwife came down at 10.30am and said I was 7cm dilated already and I was ready to go into the pool - I couldn’t wait ! Once I got in the water the surges got stronger and in my head I was repeating “I can do this!” Along with my breathing , gas and air and support from my husband, our beautiful boy was born in the water and a total labour process of 2 hours!
I was able to catch him and we decided on delayed cord clamping (which we never knew of before attending Hypnobirthing). I am so happy my husband and I got to experience a positive relaxing calm birth, so thank you so much for giving us the knowledge to have this opportunity and I would recommend this course to anyone expecting a baby, even if it’s their 2nd! It really helped us. Xx"